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Monday, April 15, 2013

little additions

first of all I want to say thank you all for all your lovely comments:) I do not answer them all because it would be an endless "thank you-thank you-thank you" posts :)
second, I want to say special thanks to Wendy who gave my blog an award. Thanks, Wendy! It's the first award for me and I feel very honored. However, the conception of an award-free blog is closer to me so I just give this prize to all my readers (and many others that I read, who still don't know about me :)
Now for the additions part :)
It seems I'll spend this whole week on this project since it appeared to need more details. However, here's what I made so far:
Shelf with necklaces. It's made of the same cardboard I've made books of. And toothpicks for tiny hangers. I like how it turned out. It's very easy and quick. If anyone wants to see how-to - let me know and I'll make another one with the photos of the process:)
 2. slippers and matching shoes for the dress. I didn't find a tuto on this one so I had to "invent the bycicle" all by myself. I'm quite pleased with the result, but if you take a real-life closer look you can see glue on flats. So I need more practice.

 3. Last but not least. Something I am actually proud of: watercolors.
I didn't invent the design I need an example to see where some details, which I can't draw from my head. As an excuse I can say that I do not copy the initial picture - I just need to see some basics: where the shadow go, or what details shall I make accent on. That was actually the first picture that you see if you type "ballet dancer watercolors" in google. I just decided I wanted it to be in a little other colors. I hope someday I won't need work of other artists at all, but for now I need something to look at when I draw. Still I like very much how she turned out. She's certinly better in real light: much brighter.



  1. Привет!
    Такие темпы!!!
    Мне очень нравятся Ваши туфельки! Где там клей? я не увидела!!!!
    Акварель прекрасна! Вы звмечательный художник!!

    1. Большое спасибо!

  2. You made some lovely minatures and!!! What a beautiful copy you made in watercolour of the ballet dancer. So well done, I can feel the movement of the dancer by the way you used your brush. Painting is so much fun, don't you think?

    1. Sure it is! I haven't painted anything in a while: I suppose I was scared to start something without my teacher and classes that I attended several years ago. But now I'm really enjoying the process)

  3. You've added fantastic new details to your project - and your shoes look nice for a first attempt. But above all I like your painting... and I think it's nothing to be ashamed of it you're being inspired by an artist's work. Taking the work of others as an inspiration is far from making a copy... ;O)


    1. Thanks Birgit! We had the whole year of classes at our university (I'm a linguist) devoted to plagiarism, so I suppose they gave us some fear of it ;)

  4. Le tue mini pantofole le trovo deliziose!E anche il quadro è un bellissimo acquarello mi piace molto. Un babbraccio Manu

  5. Потрясающе!!! Тапочки и картина отпад!!!!! Я мечтаю так рисовать, но увы не умею!!!

  6. Привет, Дарья, вот зашла к тебе в гости =) Немного расстроена, что твой блог на английском. Читать через гугл-переводчик, то ещё весёленькое удовольствие ))) Мне интересна миниатюра, хоть я никогда и не пробовала её делать. Когда вижу чужие миниатюрные работы, всегда поражаюсь и восхищаюсь! И, конечно, рада землячке )) В Новосибирске кукольники есть, и даже в городке имеются. Но шифруются, этточно ) За год своего куклотворчества так ни с кем в реале и не встречалаь. А здесь нашлась Наталья она тоже из городка.

    1. Добро пожаловать:)
      да, блог решила вести на английском - миниатюристов мало не только в Новосибе, но и в России вообще, так что пишу на "общепринятом", чтобы общаться с единомышленниками было проще.
      На днях была выставка кукол в художественном музее, но даже там было совсем немного работ(

    2. Даш, а где выставка была? и как ты про неё узнала?

    3. Выставка была в художественном музее, который на красном проспекте, 5/ Свердлова 10. В цокольном этаже. с 23 марта по 15 апреля, кажется. Там вроде даже какие-то МК проходили, но я на них не попала. Мне просто мама рассказала - видимо какое-то объявление в городе увидела. В городке я тоже упоминаний не встречала.

    4. Спасибо =) жаль я не знала.
      По разглядывала твою миниатюру - красота! Розовые туфельки вообще восторг )) и акварелька очень понравилась.

  7. I love your painting. Many great master painters have been inspired by others and I think painting in such a tiny scale is a great
    achievement. Your tiny shoes look wonderful. Great job.
    Hugs, Drora

  8. Your water color painting is awesome, Daria, it is fantastic to see the movement of the ballerina!
    Your miniature slippers and shoes are wonderful, great work!
    Congratulations for the award, enjoy!
    Hugs, Ilona

  9. Una acuarela maravillosa, me encanta.
    Un abrazo.

  10. Даша, мне очень нравится, что Вы всё так детально описываете, делитесь опытом.
    Обувь бесподобна! Для меня тоже большая проблема - следы от клея :)Надеюсь, что в скором будущем всё будет идеально.

  11. Your water color is beautiful. Your shoes are very nice, I'd like to see how you made them.

    Thank you for coming by and joining my blog and for putting my give-away on your sidebar.
    A Big Mini Hug

    1. Thanks Mary! You are also very welcome here!
      I'll think about posting a tutorial on shoes then :)

  12. I like the ballerinas and of course your little aquarell.
    It is very difficult to draw so little, I know this.
    Well done !!!

  13. Lovely blog!
    I loved yor miniatures, but the watercolors is... Wow!!!

    1. Thanks, Eliana!
      Welcome aboard :) I'll surely take a closer look at your blog as well when I have more time!
      Cheers, Daria
