I was waiting for a train on a station two weeks ago. It was snowing and wet and I had 10 more minutes before the train. I looked at my feet: there were all kinds of stones there - you know, the usual ones that are everywhere you go. And I thought - hmmm, interesting, why noone is doing micro-minis on such stones? They are easy to find and provide great surface... The train came but I still managed to grab one stone and toss it in my pocked. (It was pretty dirty and I had to clean my hands all the way to the next station :) )
At home I washed it with soap and was happy with it's look:
It was pretty heavy, but I didn't pay attention to it. I went to pinterest.com and found some inspirational photos for a small log cabin. Like this one:
I was eager to get started! I have drawn the plan of the house, sit at my desk... And found out that if I make this cabin in 1:144 it'll be so big that it'll cover the whole stone! But I wanted to make a garden too... I was close to ditching the project, but curiosity won: Can I make it again smaller? I've sketched another plan and started working:
Formed tiny house, made curtains and hung paintings:
... I didn't do any more in process photos, so let's imagine a little magic here...
Last, but not least - the size :) I suppose it is circa 1:288, the house itself measures 15mm x 10mm x 14 mm
And this is how I work. At night. In a huuuuuge mess! :)
Thx for stepping by!
I hope I've inspired someone for seeing tiny treasures where you have never expect to find them :)